FCL's Group Dental Plans are affordable to help with your company's bottom line while providing significant dental benefits for your employees and/or their families. With many companies having to do more with less and employees working longer hours to ensure the work is completed, workplace stress levels are on the rise.
As a broad overview, FCL Dental Plans offer.
Flexibility to fit within your company's budget as well as your employees.
Our plans can be:
Employer funded
Funded collaboratively with variable employer & employee contributions
Comprehensive dental plans to ensure the right coverage is available for everyone's individual needs:
Great Benefits:
DHMO Plans
PPO Plans
MAC Plans
...and more!
Thank you for your interest in online access with FCL Dental!
Sign in for quick access to your information:
View your bill history and invoices
Make add / changes in real time
Request an ID Card for your members
...and more!
Thank you for your interest in online access with FCL Dental! Our goal is to continuously offer services highlighted on the page and beyond to all our clients. Now Employers / Groups can sign in for quick access to their information 24 hours a day and 7 days a week!
Having solid benefits is one way to lower stress and retain key employees. FCL's dental plans can help by enhancing your employee benefit package.

FCL's dental plans can help relieve employees' concern of large dental bills that can mount into financial hardships. Having dental coverage provides peace-of-mind to your employees and as you've inevitably experienced, employees with lower stress levels are much more productive and effective at their jobs thus saving your company substantial money.
Need a Dentist?
FLC Dental Star Dent has the largest network of dentists nationwide. Find the one that's right for you.
Contact Us
Flexible Plan Designs
With our flexible plan designs, your employees' fears and stress are reduced knowing their dental needs are covered and their financial risk is minimized. Of equal importance to your company, our dental plans are easy on your finances - creating a win-win for all parties! Our dental plans will help your company remain an employer-of-choice so you can attract and retain the top talent in your field, thus enabling your company to be competitive in the marketplace.
FCL Dental offers a wide variety of options to meet your companies’ dental needs that we believe is superior in today's marketplace with benefits and value that are extremely appealing and competitive.

Appealing because we invested a lot of time and money listening to the needs and desires of Texas employers and individuals like you then used this insight to develop very attractive dental solutions. We're available to discuss our group dental plans with you in more detail, please call us at 1-877-493-6282.
Why can't I view my spouse's claim history?
Privacy laws prevent a person from viewing information on a dependent/spouse over the age of 18. With the member's permission, another person on the policy (age 18 or older) can view the page and even perform functions on the member's behalf. To allow access, members simply call customer service and request access to view with verification.
How do I order an ID card or order a replacement ID card?
You can order a replacement ID card by registering and logging in to your MyPortal Itransact website or by calling customer service specialist.
Can I refer a dentist who is not in your network?
Yes. You can refer a dentist online or call 1-877-493-6282.