Dental Providers
We're Here to Help, Please Call Us 1-877-493-6282 TTY users may call 711
A representative will assist you and can initiate the online application process for you. You can also send an email with your name, phone number, office name and office address to Once you complete the online application, we will ask you to send additional forms and credentials, including:
Increasing your visibility
Providing access to new clients
Paying you competitive subscription fees
Supporting you with outstanding customer service
Please call us today at 1-877-493-6282 to learn more about the advantages FCL Dental Plans offers you. We look forward to discussing your needs and how we can assist you in growing your practice.
The FCL Dental Team is proud to provide timely responsiveness and access of quality dental care to our members. Our most valued asset is the relationship we have with our network-that’s why we refer to them as “partnering dentists”. The FCL Dental Provider Relations works with interest providers and our credentialing committee approves and credentials dentists to participate in our network and specializes in personal service to maintain quality results and provider satisfaction.
If you would like to nominate a dentist simply click below.
If you are interested in joining FCL Dental as a partnering provider, e-mail us to receive additional information.
pr@fcldental.comIf you are a member of FCL Dental, you can save on your out-of-pocket costs by visiting dentist who participates in the FCL Dental Networks.
Is your dentist missing from our network?
We don’t want you to have to choose between continuing to see your dentist and receiving the best possible value from your dental benefit plan. You can help us get your dentist on our participation list.
Simply complete the information below. We’ll invite your dentist to participate in the FCL Dental Network. If your dentist joins, you’ll be sure to save!
Phone Number and Links
Texas Health Steps: 1(877)847-8377 / 1(877)THsteps
Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership:
Texas Health and Human Services Commission:
Texas Medicaid/CHIP Vendor drug Program:
Notice to Physicians and Providers
First Continental Life and Accident Insurance Company (FCL Dental) will accept applications January 1, 2022 thru December 31, 2022 from providers who wish to join the OraQuest DHMO provider network.
For more information or to request an application call FCL Dental:
Toll Free
Or write to us at:
FCL Dental
101 Parklane Blvd, Suite 301
Sugar Land, TX 77478